Week 4 of the workshop turned out to be really interesting and a lot of fun once more. I wish I had been able to do this class when I first became interested in this programme. The pictures in the collage above could be a good way of making zentangles or has this idea already been thought of.
This week we began with the drawing tools, brush, pencil, paintbrush, airbrush, paint bucket, eraser (yessssss!!!!) and Ink. Some I liked better than others. The airbrush did not seem to grab me, but maybe in the right situation it could be different. Looooved the brushes and working with gradients. Everything is so much more interesting when you are taught correctly.
Sharon Boggon is the brilliant mind behind this course and if anyone is interested go to
Sharons page and investigate where you can put your name down for one of her courses.
Now I have learned to make "brushes" properly, and I must add here it does pay to read EVERY word in the instructions.....I am loving them.
When working with the previous lessons, my brain tended to work towards painting pictures, but after this lesson I think I have begun to now lean towards texture design. There is so much scope .....not that I am young enough to go into that field, but it is fun to do.
So here are more pictures of this week's efforts. Not quite in the right order, but hopefully if you click on the picture it will enlarge.
Now I guess everyone is wondering how I was able to get all the photos together in one area. Here is a
link to a site with the instructions on how to make a collage in the Gimp programme. There are more choices if you google collage from Gimp as well. I am happy happy happy! Next time I will try to frame the collages......little steps.
I am going away next weekend on and extended visit to the wallabies and birds, and will be back in the new year. I will still be able to receive comments through my phone.
A very merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year to all my friends and followers for 2013. See you all in January.