Playing with paint

Playing with paint
abstract art

22 May 2014

I Can See Again

Can you imagine not being able to see the bright colours clearly on these lovely plants or to be able to read a book.   If you imagine a veil covering the photos then that is how my sight has been recently.  I have had to use a magnifier on my head to see to do any of the everyday things like reading my phone messages and  reading my mail.  Checking out the groceries for place of origin was impossible.

Now though, I have undergone laser surgery to both my eyes, and these colours are now as clear as crystal again and the print is shape and black.   It is wonderful.  We do not appreciate just how important our sight is until we begin to lose it.
Now I am back to normal.....and it is such a long time since it was...I am anxious to get back to my embroideries.  I just hope I dont find so many mistakes that all my time is taken up in reverse sewing.

I am actually posting this without my glasses!!!!!

Off to read some more of my book.


  1. Shirley how thrilled I was to read the laser surgery has been such a success, you have been in my thoughts and prayers whilst you were waiting for the surgery. There will be no stopping you now, one drawback you will be able to see the dust!!

  2. Hi, Shirley. Lovely post and what colors! It seems to be true for the human condition that we only truly appreciate what we have when we don't have it anymore...such is life.
    best, nadia

  3. So glad it has been such a Success!

  4. Hurray for you dear Shirley.


  5. Beautiful flowers and lovely colors....

  6. I am so happy for you Shirley. I am sure it is so wonderful to see the colorful world again. Enjoy your stitching once again. Hugs Judy

  7. Welcome back to the world of seeing people - how wonderful. And your photos - delightful - very clear and colourful - smile!

  8. Oh, Shirley! Best news ever!!! I am so happy for you! You cannot imagine what it would be like unless you had been there. So glad you can see again! A true blessing!!!!!

  9. Yabbadabbadoo!! It is like a miracle! The flower photos are gorgeous, what is the last red/orange one? xxxx

  10. That is fantastic, you will feel like you have a new outlook on life now. Lovely photos of the flowering trees.

  11. enjoy those beautiful flowers. and now back to stitching thank god!

  12. Shirley your flowers photos are so beautiful, thanks for sweet comment on my book.

  13. I'm happy to hear this. Have fun reading and stitching again!

  14. Oh, well done! I am so pleased for you, Shirley :-)

  15. How wonderful to be able to enjoy your eyesight again including those beautiful colors! Such great news and lovely flowers. :)

  16. these are beautiful images and I am happy you now can see. Thank you for your visit. I am so sorry it took me a long time to get back to you, I found your comment hidden in my spam folder. It's lovely to ''meet'' you...Karen

  17. Such Fabulous news, Shirley!! Yay!!! I'm so happy for you!!

  18. Dear Shirley, this made me happy when I first read it. Now I have vision problems myself, and fight with my stitching, so I am all the more happy for you. Luckily it is something curable in my case, so all I need ist patience. But this is sometimes hard.
