Why cant the world slow down just a little bit. Here it is October already and another year older. After turning 75 last year I thought I would just ignore future birthdays but October 3 just keeps rolling around.
Then of course even if I did ignore October there are always the wrinkles which keep getting deeper to remind me another year has been added to the 3 score and more than 10 years.
However there always good things about birthdays and they are the lovely wishes, cards and gifts from family and friends. This year has been no exception. The other day I answered the door to a knock and it was Australia Post delivering this huge box:
It was hard to wait to open it and all the shaking did not give a clue as to what was inside. But when I did open it I was excited to be greeted with all these lovely gifts beautifully wrapped in bright paper. I could tell it was from my son Neil and his lovely wife who are always so thoughtful and generous.
a lovely little bag of lotions and potions, mascara and lip gloss |
Cushion with Beau's picture |
cushion with Chloe's picture |
an aluma wallet so now no one can scan my cards in my handbag and steal my identity |
I can now have Chloe and Beau on my bed with me without having to put up with falling hair or smelly breaths.
On Wednesday my good friend Di took me out to lunch. We went to the "Two Birds Cafe" in town. By the age of a lot of the clientele though it should have been called "The Old Birds Cafe". It is a popular place for ladies who lunch too no matter what age, because the food is delicious, the service is top notch and the desserts are to die for.
Sorry forgot to take photos of our lunch. On a wrap base, that was brown and crunchy were halved baby tomatoes, goat cheese, small dices of roasted pumpkin, pine nuts, and baby spinach nestled under a layer of melted cheese. The taste was divine. Would like to see it made so I could discover that elusive tasty ingredient that I could not pinpoint.
Since it was a special occasion we finished off with carrot cake served with cream. This was just delicous as well. Thank you Di for a lovely day.
Before going home I ducked into Rivers and bought myself not one...but two...pair of pretty thongs. With the heat over the last few days I have been going bare foot in the house, but need something easy to slip into if I needed to go outside.
Thursday dawned and I was expecting a visit from himself and when he arrived he had brought me some flowers from my garden at the farm. I have missed seeing this cactus flowering for the past 3 years so was thrilled to get one of the blooms. I will plant the piece when the flowers are finished. He also bought over the first of my baby yellow rose and the last of the iris together with a couple of strelitzias which brighten up my room.
Last night he shouted me my favourite pizza for tea so I could have a night off from cooking - a rare event. Again forgot to take photos, but here are the last two pieces left for lunch today.
I dont know if Pizza Capers company is only in Australia but they have wonderful pizzas.....even if the photo of these slices look revolting....the pizza was an el fungi....and consisted of pepperoni, ham, mushrooms, garlic, herbs, camembert and mozzarella....very delish. Their Marguerita is another of my favourites.
Nearly finished.....
Today himself took me shopping to stock up my pantry which he does whenever he comes over to save me having to lug my little trolley full of groceries home from the shops. While out he bought me what I have wanted for ages.....a weather station. We always had a weather station and I have wanted one of my own for ages. So now when it rains I will be able to see just how much rain we have had.
This one is definitely for older people with bad eyesight and I have situated it outside the window of this room and can read all the guages from my chair in front of the computer....oops looks like we have mounted it on a slant but think that is just the angle of the photo.
So all in all I have had a lovely few days. Did manage to get some ironing in....thought I had better tidy up the spare bed.....haven't done any new stitching but what the heck it has been a lovely few days and to be honest I dont really feel a year older.
Bye all have a nice weekend.