Until one has lost clarity of sight and then had it restored it is hard to imagine how difficult it must be for those people who have serious sight problems which cannot be fixed. Good sight is such a gift.
I have only had one cataract done so far and I cant believe the difference it has made to my sight even after 24 hours. Colours are brighter....and after 48hours I am actually sitting here without my glasses on and can read what I am typing. I actually tried with the glasses on, and had to take them off.
I cant wait to have the other eye done next Tuesday.
Because I am on my own I had a stay in hospital the first night, and it was so nice to get a bit of pampering....meals bought to me, and not having to do anything, although I must admit, in the beginning I could not see text clearly so was not able to read and spent my time watching TV which was allowed and I soon became a bit bored.
Prior to the procedure I had heard varying stories of what to expect from "Its a piece of cake" to "You will feel like you have a truckload of sand in it" .Well it was pretty OK . The staff were wonderful, especially those in the area where the procedure was done. I was put to sleep, all I knew was I thought I was dreaming of green bubbles floating in my eye. Woke up back in my bed with no pain at all and the truck carrying the sand totally bypassed me.
I had to give a big thank you to the RN who bought me some little sachets of sugar after the "food trolley police" tried to insist that I only have one of those chemical sugar replacements, because that was what was on her 'list'. It did not matter that my GP told me not to use the replacements.....the FTP 'list' said I had to have the replacement chemically made sweetener. No, I did not accept that someone with a 'list' could insist that I use a doubtful substance instead of half a spoon of the real thing....particularly when my GP and dietician have agreed that I could keep on with the small amount of sugar I do still have in my tea and coffee...
So roll on next Tuesday......dont anyone misbehave because I will see all.
I am already back to stitching this week's Tast, and although I may be a bit late in completing it, it makes such a difference to be able to see clearly. I painted some acrylic paint mixed with watercolour medium on to some linen to use for my woven wheels. Here is a little sneak peak of the colours on part of the fabric.
Next week "Himself" is coming over to look after me and then once I have the all clear am going back over to "the farm" until after Easter.
Last year my calendar was full of medical appointments, but this year it is filling with more interesting things like crafty workshops and travel which I am looking forward to. This is "The Year of Gadding About" because in May I am off to the Gold Coast again, and then in October to Melbourne to my eldest grandaughter's wedding which I am really looking forward to.
It has been said that all articles and places that could result in my doing myself harm have been cordoned off or removed at the Gold Coast house, since I always seem to either hurt myself or get sick when I go there. :) I haven't been totally "banned" unless a carer is with me though, so will have to make sure I am very careful.