There comes a time when I cannot stand the mess any longer and just have to tidy things up. Started with the box of variegated/overdyed threads...will need a larger box though because I still have some of these to wind.
Stef Francis threads still to wind off on to card |
My no. 3 and 5 perles were a mess just tied through holes on cardboard and left dangling which meant that over time they keep getting tangled. The same with my many fine wool threads.
last of the perles to be wound |
tidy perles |
Now that I have made a big effort in winding them off onto cards cant
believe how few of the perles there are...I always felt that I had
masses of them....well if I include the 8's which are in yet another box, then I guess I do. Haven't even thought of the rayon threads, and then there is a box of crochet we all go through stages of wondering how well off financially we would be if we did not do sewing for a hobby.
where did these come from |
enough here for two of us when I finish |
oops forgot about these tapestry wools and odds and ends |
I knew I had a lot of fine wool threads from doing baby blankets for the grandchildren and then the needlepainting but who needs so many. I have divided them up and there was enough for Di to have her own box to reduce the stash. Saves her carrying the large box they were in back and forth.
After my recent buying spree, there were a lot of loose packets of beads on the shelf, so bought some more stacker containers, and presto all is neat and I can see my beads and trinkets at a glance.
Now that I have all this tidiness happening something drastically needs to be done about the shelves and cupboards themselves being re-organised. And of course we will not open the cupboard in the next photo for the time being....that might wait until I have had a holiday. When it is all done I will be able to post some photos of my sewing room before it gets all messy again.
Sorry this post is a bit topsy turvy but blogger seems to want to do his own thing with the arrangement of the photos and text.