Yey....Di is home. Her DH finally brought her back. I have missed her so much, and this morning she came for coffee. I celebrated by making her some pikelets with strawberry cream because neither of us needs it. I was so excited I forgot to take pics. We talked nonstop for about 2 hours...
Before I went away, I managed to finish off the "butterfly" cushion front. It is now very different because I did quite a bit of reverse stitching of the flowers. I had worked them in long and short stitch which I did not like....does anyone else have stitches that have stumped them. I have two and the other is satin stitch.
The work has been sitting unfinished for almost 3 years now, and I finally bit the bullet and unpicked those damn flowers that were aggravating me.
By this time I was not really in the mood for anything fancy so the flowers are now simple and in soft colours. I am always pleased to get articles out of the ufo pile.
I spent a week at the farm, just relaxing and doing a bit of gardening. Himself had let a pumpkin grow wild where the roses are and they were surrounded by weeds and grass.....he insists on throwing the mown grass onto the gardens, and the seeds germinate don't they.
Anyway I cleared round the roses and cut them back, and himself took to the rest of the grass after he had pulled out the pumpkin vine. Next day he sprayed the weeds so by the time I go back in September they will be waiting for me to dig them out.
The next day, we were trimming off some shrubs, and himself noticed his arm itchy and it turned out he had collected a tick from when he was pulling out the previous day. Fortunately we got it out, and after a couple of days his arm went down and the inflammation disappeared. The property is in a tick area, but this is the first we have ever had.
I was amazed at how the coriander plant has grown....I could never get it to flourish, but it probably did so from lack of care. The flat parsley is also flourishing, and I was able to use those and other herbs in the cooking.
I dug some of this up and bought it home to pot. |
While I was there I replenished his supplies of sausage rolls which he loves for lunch. I am the sausage roll queen...use the best quality pork sausage mince, and lots of herbs for flavour and they are delicious.
Also replenished a small supply of cooked meals for him as well. He is 80 next month, and cooking is not his I try to do what I can so he can have at least some good meals.
The lavenders are blooming at the moment, and the rosemary bushes are thriving. My orchard has a lot of bud trails, so hope the flowers are still there when I go back.
The wallabies have been breeding well this year, and there were several does with babies in their pouches.
This is a photo of "shorty" who has become quite tame. He lies around the house area of a day, and isn't scared of us at all.
One morning I went for a walk while the dew was still on the grass, and discovered these interesting cobwebs in the garden.
The cobwebs seem to disappear during the day, and they the poor little things have to build them all over again at night.
I have been keeping busy since coming home, working on the fabric pages for my next fabric book. I will try to have some sneak peak pics ready for my next post. Sorry this has become so long.
Byee I will be back soon!